Date (Almost) Anything Sim Mac OS

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  1. Date (almost) Anything Sim Mac Os 7
  2. Date (almost) Anything Sim Mac Os Download
  3. Date (almost) Anything Sim Mac Os Sierra
  4. Date (almost) Anything Sim Mac Os Update

Display or set date and time.
Displays the current date and time when invoked without arguments. Providing arguments will format the date and time in a user-defined way or set the date. Only the superuser can set the date.

Date (almost) Anything Sim Mac Os 7

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An operand with a leading plus (`+') sign signals a user-defined format string which specifies the format in which to display the date and time.
The format string can contain any of the conversion specifications described in the strftime(3) manual page, as well as any arbitrary text. A newline character is always output after the characters specified by the format string.

Environment Variables

TZ The timezone to use when displaying dates. See environ(7) for more.



/var/log/wtmp A record of date resets and time changes.
/var/log/messages A record of the user setting the time.


Date (almost) Anything Sim Mac Os Download

Output the date and time on two lines (%n separates):
$ date '+DATE: %m/%d/%y%nTIME: %H:%M:%S'

Set the date to 'June 13, 1985, 4:27 PM':
$ date 8506131627
Set the time to 2:32 PM, without modifying the date:
$ date 1432
Store the current date in a variable (in year-month-day format)
$ mydate=`date '+%Y-%m-%d';`
$ echo The date is: ${mydate};

Print the date as an ISO 8601 compliant date/time string:
$ date -u +'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'

'Carpe Diem - Seize the day' - Horace

Related macOS commands:

Date (almost) Anything Sim Mac Os Sierra

cal - Display a calendar.
crontab - Schedule a command to run at a later time.
time - Measure Program Resource Use.
touch - Change file timestamps.

Date (almost) Anything Sim Mac Os Update

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